composer require neos/flow-development-collection
Flow packages in a joined repository for pull requests.
- Requires
- php: ^8.0
- psr/simple-cache: ^2.0 || ^3.0
- psr/cache: ^2.0 || ^3.0
- psr/log: ^2.0 || ^3.0
- ext-zlib: *
- ext-spl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-reflection: *
- ext-xml: *
- ext-xmlreader: *
- neos/composer-plugin: ^2.0
- psr/http-message: ^1.0
- psr/http-factory: ^1.0
- psr/container: ^1.0
- psr/http-server-middleware: ^1.0
- psr/http-server-handler: ^1.0
- psr/http-client: ^1.0
- ramsey/uuid: ^3.0 || ^4.0
- doctrine/orm: ^2.9.3
- doctrine/migrations: ^3.0
- doctrine/dbal: ^2.13
- doctrine/common: ^3.0.3
- doctrine/annotations: ^1.12
- symfony/yaml: ^5.1||^6.0
- symfony/dom-crawler: ^5.1||^6.0
- symfony/console: ^5.1||^6.0
- composer/composer: ~2.2.24 || ^2.7.7
- egulias/email-validator: ^3.0||^4.0
- typo3fluid/fluid: ~2.7.0
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.8.4 || ^2.1.1
- ext-mbstring: *
- Requires (dev)
- mikey179/vfsstream: ^1.6.10
- phpunit/phpunit: ~9.1
- Suggest
- ext-memcache: If you have a memcache server and want to use it for caching.
- ext-memcached: Alternative, if you have a memcache server and want to use it for caching.
- ext-redis: If you have a redis server and want to use it for caching.
- ext-igbinary: The igbinary extension is a replacement for the standard PHP serializer
- ext-curl: To use the \Neos\Flow\Http\Client\CurlEngine
- doctrine/data-fixtures: To manage and execute the loading of data fixtures for the Doctrine ORM or ODM
- neos/party: To make use of basic user handling
- php-uuid: For fast generation of UUIDs used in the persistence.
- neos/fluid-adaptor: For rendering templates with TYPO3.Fluid
- Replaces
- symfony/polyfill-php70: *
- symfony/polyfill-php71: *
- symfony/polyfill-php72: *
- symfony/polyfill-php73: *
- symfony/polyfill-php74: *
- symfony/polyfill-php80: *
- symfony/polyfill-mbstring: *
- neos/cache: self.version
- neos/eel: self.version
- neos/error-messages: self.version
- neos/flow-log: self.version
- neos/flow: self.version
- neos/fluid-adaptor: self.version
- neos/http-factories: self.version
- neos/kickstarter: self.version
- neos/utility-arrays: self.version
- neos/utility-files: self.version
- neos/utility-mediatypes: self.version
- neos/utility-objecthandling: self.version
- neos/utility-opcodecache: self.version
- neos/utility-pdo: self.version
- neos/utility-schema: self.version
- neos/utility-unicode: self.version
Flow development collection
This repository is a collection of packages for the Flow framework (learn more on The repository is used for development and all pull requests should go into it.
If you want to use the Flow framework, please have a look at the documentation:
If you want to contribute to Flow Framework and want to set up a development environment, then follow these steps:
composer create-project neos/flow-development-distribution flow-development dev-master --keep-vcs
Note the -distribution package you create a project from, instead of just checking out this repository.
The code of the framework can then be found inside Packages/Framework
, which itself is the flow-development-collection Git repository (due to the --keep-vcs
option above). You commit changes and create pull requests from this repository.
To commit changes to the framework switch into the Framework directory (cd Packages/Framework
) and do all Git-related work (git add .
, git commit
, etc) there.
In the root directory of the development distribution, you can do the following things:
To run tests, run ./bin/phpunit -c ./Build/BuildEssentials/PhpUnit/UnitTests.xml
for unit or ./bin/phpunit -c ./Build/BuildEssentials/PhpUnit/FunctionalTests.xml
for functional/integration tests. If you are on 6.0 or later, you can
also run ./bin/psalm --config=Packages/Framework/psalm.xml
to run static analysis tools.
To switch the branch you intend to work on:
git checkout 5.3 && composer update
We use an upmerging strategy, so create all bugfixes to lowest maintained branch that contains the issue (typically the second last LTS release, which is 5.3 currently), or master for new features.
For more detailed information, see and