Neos and Flow Meetups

Meetups are independently organized events from Neos and Flow enthusiasts. Anyone can start a Meetup group for Neos and Flow on They are usually hosted by an agency and take place every few weeks or months on a weekday after work.

If you would like to start a meetup in your city that would be really great! Please have a look at the guidelines for naming and design in this discussion on Discourse to get started. We will gladly help you to get started or share our experiences: you can simply chat with us on Slack!

You can see the list of upcoming Meetups on the Events page.

Meetups near you

Dusseldorf (DE)

Explore the Dusseldorf Meetup group

Hanover (DE)

Explore the Hanover Meetup group

Munich (DE)

Explore the Munich Meetup group

Rhein/Main (DE)

Explore the Rhein/Main Meetup group

Karlsruhe (DE)

Explore the Karlsruhe Meetup group

Hamburg (DE)

Explore the Hamburg Meetup group

Dresden (DE)

Explore the Dresden Meetup group

Zurich (CH)

Explore the Zurich Meetup group

Berlin (DE)

Explore the Berlin Meetup group

Meetup Berlin

Vienna (AT)

Explore the Vienna Meetup group

Salzburg (AT)

Explore the Salzburg Meetup group