Neos Events

Although people from all over the world are working remotely on Neos, a lot of progress is reached during real-life events. They are not only great for discussions and decisions, but also for developing at light speed.

Apart from working on Neos, sprints are also a great opportunity to meet and exchange with old and new friends.

Upcoming Conferences

Upcoming Sprints


Basically, there are plenty of sprints coming up, some of them already have specific dates while others are just in general planning mode. If you'd like to participate in one of them please feel free to fill out a doodle to show your interest.


We're always organizing the next Neos Sprints and will post details once they are available.

If you have a suggestion for a location or would like to sponsor one for us please get in touch at!

Remarks about sprints:

Sprints are open to anyone who wants to support the project. We can use help in development, documentation, testing, design, marketing, funding, event organizing and much more. So there's something to do for everyone. Please get in touch with us at hello (at) if you're interested in joining a sprint.

Upcoming Meetups

If you are planning a meetup that is not listed here and/or on Meetups get in touch at

  • November

Past Events

Follow the links below to see a full list of events for that year: