Stay up-to-date with Neos and Flow
Apr 28, 2017
Neos 3.1 and Flow 4.1 Released
The Neos Team is excited to announce the release of Neos 3.1 and Flow 4.1!
It focuses on internal tweaks and stability improvements; but as always there are new features as well.
Apr 13, 2017
Neos React UI Beta 1
As anounced on Neos Conference 2017, we're starting the beta phase of the new Neos React User Interface now.
Apr 12, 2017
Flow Bugfix Releases for Entity Security
We've been doing bugfix releases for improving Entity Security and custom SQL filters. Read on for details.
Apr 6, 2017
Neos Conference 2017
The first Neos Conference took place in Hamburg, Germany, on March 31st and April 1st 2017. It was an awesome event and we want to share the great keynotes, talks and showcases given at the conference as video recordings and slides.
Mar 28, 2017
The Neos IntelliJ and PHPStorm Plugin
Neos now has its own plugin for JetBrains-IDEs like IntelliJ and PHPStorm. It brings functionality that makes using Neos a breeze, such as Fusion syntax highlighting, advanced Node Type navigation, code completion, and much more.
Feb 22, 2017
Neos Sprint in Dresden
After the big release of Neos 3.0 and Flow 4.0 early this year, we continued working on bug fixes and new features.
Jan 30, 2017
Neos 3.0 and Flow 4.0 Released
The Neos Team is excited to announce the release of Neos 3.0 and Flow 4.0!
Our communities independence is now not only visible in branding but also inside of the code.
And as always there are many new built-in features and improvements.
Jan 23, 2017
Marketing Sprint in Hannover
On Thursday, the 12th of January, the Neos marketing guild met in Hannover for a sprint.
Jan 6, 2017
Security fix for Flow Swift Mailer package (Flow-SA-2017-01)
A new release of the Swift Mailer package for Flow fixes a security issue. Users should update to the latest version.
Dec 22, 2016
Neos 3.0 and Flow 4.0 Developer Preview
In addition to new features and hundreds of improvements, Neos 3.0 and Flow 4.0 will come with a whole new "vendor namespace". We have code migration tools in place to help plugin and site developers transition from earlier versions to Neos 3.0 and Flow 4.0. Due to the extent of this change we released a developer preview to help you prepare for the final release.
Dec 8, 2016
The First Neos BarCamp
We Made It! The first Neos CMS BarCamp of all time!
We send a big thanks to everyone who participated in the event, Sitegeist for organizing it and the sponsor for helping it become a reality.
Dec 8, 2016
CQRS and EventSourcing: Thinking in Events
These last two days, a part of the Neos Core Team had a workshop with the renowned speaker and coach Mathias Verraes to gain insights into CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and Event Sourcing and how to apply these concepts to our Content Repository.
Dec 6, 2016
Be part of the Neos Core Team
You too can be part of the discussion. You too can bring your ideas to life. And you too can make the users of Neos appreciate your work. So make your legacy here within the Neos team.
Nov 30, 2016
Architecture: Frontend and Backend Extensibility Patterns
Creating an extensible software platform is one of the core ideas behind Neos – Here, we'll shed some light about the difference between planned and unplanned extensibility, giving practical examples and showing why both are important.
Nov 23, 2016
React Snippets: Debug Component Performance with ES7 Annotations
On our ongoing journey towards the React rewrite of the Neos backend, we keep learning and experimenting. We'll share bits and pieces of our experiences here if we think they could be interesting to a broader audience. Today, we'll tell you about using a custom ES7 decorator to find reasons for rendering performance issues.