Marketing and Conference Planning Sprint

On Wednesday, the 21th of June, the Neos marketing guild met in Hamburg for planning the Neos Conference 2018.

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On Wednesday, 21.06.2017, some Neos team and community members gathered in Hamburg at sitegeist offices to plan the Neos Conference 2018.

This time, we were six people on site – Lisa Günther, Sven Ditz and Gina Steiner (sitegeist) and Florian Heinze, Tobias Gruber and Sebastian Kurfürst (Sandstorm); plus Martin Brüggemann (yeebase/t3n) joining remotely for a session.

After short updates on the current marketing efforts (re-launching the Neos Supporter Badges, to be announced in the upcoming days; and the print marketing campaign), we focussed on the retrospective and planning of our main event – the Neos Conference.

Neos Conference 2017 Retrospective

We first started with evaluating the feedback we got from the NeosCon 2017 – thanks to everybody who filled in the post-conference survey, it really helps to make the conference better!

Neos Conference 2018 Planning

After that, we turned to planning the Neos Conference 2018, which will take place at April 13th and April 14th next year.

The biggest change will be that we'll try to broaden the topics for the audience a little; introducing a second track also featuring non-tech talks like more case studies or business and marketing topics around Neos.

Furthermore, there will be a warm-up event the evening before the conference starts – so if you happen to arrive on April 12th already, we can already socialize and hang out together.

We're having lots more things planned for NeosCon 2018, which we'll reveal step by step in the upcoming weeks and months!

We had a really productive meeting and are looking forward to Neos Conference 2018 – and we're working very hard to make it a great and inspiring event!

Neos Conference 2018 Timeline

Neos Conference 2018 Timeline

Joining the marketing guild

The Neos marketing guild would love to have more members! If you are interested in marketing issues, usability, design or other marketing related areas, you are very welcome to join us! It doesn't matter which country you come from, we all speak fluent English and obviously not everything is about coding ;).

Simply talk to us during an event, write a mail to hello (at) or drop a note in the marketing guild slack channel (#guild-marketing).