Stay up-to-date with Neos and Flow
Dec 16, 2019
Neos 5.1 »White Knight« and Flow 6.1 released
Happy Birthday White Knight ?
The 300th release of Neos CMS concludes an awesome year of innovation and growth! -
Nov 29, 2019
Being a woman in the Neos Team and Community - an insight
Diversity and gender equality is a huge topic in our society right now. As it should be. So obviously we, the Neos Core Team, also talk about it. But to be honest with you, I never really get what the fuzz in our team is about. Shocking? Let me tell you why.
Nov 13, 2019
DrupalCon from a Neos perspective
My Drupal friends from Austria invited me to join them at DrupalCon 2019 in Amsterdam. In this post I’d like to share my impressions and what I think the Neos CMS community can learn from the Drupal Community.
Oct 21, 2019
Neos Sprint Vienna 2019
The Neos Community met in the amazing Wohnprojekt in Vienna to bring Neos and Flow forward. We worked on the Neos UI, Fusion Forms, the Event Sourced Content Repository and In addition we also had self-made pizza, an awesome cake, went on a city tour and bouldered together.
Oct 18, 2019
(Almost) half a year in the Neos community
Let us take a look at what has happened in the previous five months.
Oct 17, 2019
Neos Foundation 2.0
The Neos team founds a German association for the Neos Project to replace the Neos Foundation CIC. The first official meeting was held during the Neos sprint in Vienna, Austria, in October 2019.
Sep 20, 2019
Neos 5.0 »Jabberwock« and Flow 6.0 released
Finally, a new major release of Neos and Flow! We can't wait to tell you all about it.
Neos 5.0 and Flow 6.0 come with an updated Neos UI 5.0, an all-new Redirect Handler 3.0, PSR-7 and way more.
Jun 17, 2019
Information Disclosure Security Note
Internal workspaces can be accessed without authentication
May 23, 2019
Half a year in the Neos community
Let us take a look at what has happened in the previous six months.
May 22, 2019
Neos Awards 2019 Winners and Recap
The Neos Conference 2019 was an absolute blast! Traditionally, the Neos community honoured the best projects of the year. It has been the strongest competition ever - let’s make a quick recap and take a look into the future.
May 7, 2019
Security Notification
The security bug described here is actually not in Flow but in the typo3fluid/fluid package which is a dependency of Flow and Neos
Apr 18, 2019
Why you shouldn’t miss Neos Con
In less than 3 weeks the Neos CMS event of the year takes place in Dresden, Germany and it has never been better. Here is why!
Apr 15, 2019
Neos 4.3 LTS »Gryphon« and Flow 5.3 LTS released
With version 4.3 we welcome the third LTS (long term support) release for Neos and Flow and are excited to give you an overview of the great new features that went into »Gryphon«.
It will receive active support until April 2021 and security fixes even until April 2022. So if you’re looking for a solid Neos version to start your next big Neos project, »Gryphon« is the perfect candidate for you (and everyone else of course)
Also, be sure to check out the upcoming Neos Conference May 10th/11th. -
Feb 27, 2019
Off to a Better Neos Release Process
The technical side of the Neos release process is a wild mixture of automated and manual tasks. Some areas are properly documented and some are just known to the elders of the tribe. In fact, I was probably the one, who has a broad overview of the process and tools… until last weeks topic sprint.
Apr 3, 2019
Neos Award Jury - We are looking for YOU!
This year we would like to bring in a fresh voice to the Neos Award - YOUR VOICE.