Introducing the Neos Foundation 2.0
During our Neos sprint in Vienna the attending core team members had the founding session for our new "Neos Foundation e.V."
This new legal entity will take over the role of the CIC we founded in 2017. It is an administrative body that will hold brand and trademark rights and manage the funds we receive from Neos Project supporters.
Just the same as we handled it in the past years, the Neos Project Team is the group of people who decide how the project moves forward. So, consequently, only active team members can become members and inactive team members who drop out of the core team are also removed as members of the association. Our goal is to have only active team members as members who legally decide about the funds of the Neos Project.
For Neos, Flow and the Common Good
In addition to the purpose to "support the Neos Open Source Project", we added a second purpose to our articles:
The association pursues the further purpose to achieve a considerable positive effect on the common good and the environment with its activities.
We as Neos team members invest our time and energy to develop an amazing Content Application Platform and PHP Framework as well as to have a positive effect on the common good and the environment. We care about our impact and the signals we send to our community.
So, adding to our Code of Conduct, we care about all our stakeholders, not just the members of our association and actively include this consideration in our founding principles.
This drive already makes us consider how we travel for Neos purposes, which environmental impact events have that we organize and how we interact with other communities and open source projects.
From CIC to e.V.
In 2017 we had founded the Neos Foundation Community Interest Company. The benefits we had hoped to realize with this type of legal entity, that holds the community interest in its name, did not materialize. In order to streamline operations, we researched our options and decided on a German e.V. We plan to move the funding platform to the e.V. in the medium term as was the original plan with the CIC.
If you have any questions regarding the Neos Foundation, you can contact us at foundation (at) or reach out to @tobias on our Slack (register here).