wwwision/likes 1.0.0
Simple Neos Flow package that allows to track arbitrary "likes" or recommendations
wwwision/neos-addresseditor v1.0.2
Simple Neos extension adding a custom property editor for addresses, including GeoCoding
wwwision/event-scheduler v0.1.0
Simple Event Scheduler
wwwision/form-contentreferences 1.0.0
Flow package with a custom Flow Form Framework Form Element that renders Neos Content References
wwwision/neos-dummyimage 1.2.0
Package that allows for rendering dynamic dummy images in the Neos backend.
wwwision/form-multifileupload 1.1.0
Example package providing a simple MultiFileUpload element for the Neos.Form framework
wwwision/cr-graphql 0.2.0
Simple GraphQL API for the Neos Content Repository
wwwision/graphql 5.2.0
Base package to create GraphQL endpoints with Flow
wwwision/bem 1.3.0
BEM style classes (see http://getbem.com/) with Neos Fusion
wwwision/form-multicolumnsection 1.1.2
Flow package with a custom Flow Form Framework Form Element that renders Multi columns
wwwision/form-securefileupload 1.1.0
Flow package with examples and helpers to implement secure form uploads
wwwision/import-service 2.2.0
Generic service for importing data from different sources to configurable targets such as the Neos Content Repository or an arbitrary database table
wwwision/neos-creationdialogproperties 0.6.2
Simple package to easily expose Node properties to the CreationDialog that's available since Neos 3.3.
wwwision/neos-mailchimp 5.6.0
Flow package that integrates MailChimp into your Neos site / Flow Application
wwwision/node-event-log 0.3.0
Log for nodes in the Event Sourced Content Repository
wwwision/privateresources v6.2.0
A Flow package that allows for protecting persistent resources from unauthorized access
wwwision/neos-assetsource-pimcore 1.3.0
Pimcore asset source for Neos CMS
wwwision/batch-processing 1.0.0
Execute Flow CLI commands in parallel for batch processing
wwwision/asset-sync 1.1.0
Neos Flow package to synchronize metadata and binary data of imported Neos.Media assets
wwwision/neos-taskmodule 1.2.0
Neos Backend Module for the Flowpack.Task scheduler
wwwision/fusion-prototype-analyzer 1.2.0
Anaylze Neos Fusion prototypes and their usages by other prototypes
wwwision/neos-mediabrowserdialog 2.2.1
JavaScripts to provide asset selection via Media Browser in Neos Backend Modules
wwwision/neos-jobqueuemodule 1.1.0
Neos Backend Module for the Flowpack.JobQueue packages
wwwision/contentrepositorydumper 9.0.0
CLI commands to dump and compare Neos Content Repositories
wwwision/renderlets-provider 1.0.0
Neos package to provide snippets of data/rendered content (aka 'renderlets') to be consumed by Wwwision.Renderlets.Consumer
wwwision/markwhen 0.2.0
Projection that can render the state of the Event Sourced Content Repository into markwhen.com syntax
wwwision/neos-dam 0.2.0
Neos integration of the Digital Asset Management based on the Event Sourced Content Repository
wwwision/projection-playground 0.2.0
Neos backend module that allows for creating and testing ESCR projections on the fly
wwwision/assetusage 1.0.5
Simple and fast asset usage index for the Neos Content Repository