Discard and publish your changes

When you arrive at this point, your changes are probably complete or you have made a mistake. That's not a problem at all, so far only you see this error. The following describes how you can review all your changes and discard any changes you may make.

!! Notice about the checklist for each publishing

Before publishing your changes, please follow each step of the checklist before each publishing to make your publication perfect.

Review changes

  1. Click on the publisher's arrow in the upper-right corner of Neos. A menu appears.
  2. Click on »Review changes«. An overview of all your changes will appear.
  3. ATTENTION! If all changes are correct, you can publish them now. To do this, click on »Publish all changes to live«. This will make all your changes visible to the entire Internet!
  4. If you still want to make changes after your review, click at the top left the main menu icon . The main menu appears.
  5. Click on »Content« to go back to the editing mode.

Discard single change

  1. Click on the publisher's arrow in the upper-right corner of Neos. A menu appears.
  2. Click on »Review changes«. An overview of all your changes will appear.
  3. Search for the change(s) you want to discard. When you have found them, click on the right side of the change the delete icon .
  4. Your change is now discarded.

Discard all changes

  1. Click on the publisher's arrow in the upper-right corner of Neos. A menu appears.
  2. Click on »Review changes«. An overview of all your changes will appear.
  3. To discard all your changes, click »Discard all changes« below.
  4. Your changes are now discarded.

Publishing your changes

You can see all the changes in content area of Neos. Earlier you learned how to discard changes. If you are satisfied with your changes and would like to publish them, proceed as follows:

!! Note about reviewing your changes

Before you publish your changes, please review all your changes as described above in review changes!

!! Note about the checklist for each publishing

Before publishing your changes, please follow each step of the checklist before each publishing to make your publication perfect.

Publish changes

  1. Click on the publisher's arrow in the upper-right corner of Neos. A menu appears.
  2. To publish your changes to the entire Internet, click »Publish All«.
  3. Congratulations. Your changes have been made available to the entire Internet.