neosrulez/blog 4.0.18
A blog package for Neos CMS. (This package requires NeosRulez.Bootstrap)
neosrulez/shoppingcart 2.1
A simple Neos CMS shopping cart plugin (without user management)
neosrulez/comments 1.4
A Neos CMS comments/guestbook plugin
neosrulez/manualpage 2.1
A manual page for the Neos CMS backend
neosrulez/cookieconsent 1.4
A Neos CMS plugin to integrate the Cookie Banner from
neosrulez/jsminifier 1.2.2
A package to minifie JS for Neos CMS
neosrulez/scssparser 1.7.3
A package to compile SCSS for Neos CMS
neosrulez/slickcarousel 3.0.2
A Neos CMS slick carousel plugin
Awesome Neos CMS shopping cart plugin
neosrulez/neos-form-savetodatabasefinisher 1.2
A finisher for neos/form and neos/form-builder that saves the form in the database.
neosrulez/instagramfeed 1.0.4
A Neos CMS plugin which show an instagram feed from any public profile.
neosrulez/cloudtranslation 1.2
A Neos CMS plugin which translates text from nodetypes with the Google Translate Api.
neosrulez/hybridauth 0.1.3
A Neos CMS plugin which enables login with Google, Github and Facebook to the Neos CMS backend.
neosrulez/dynamicresources 1.1.2
A package for Neos CMS which render and cache dynamic CSS (scss) and Javascript resources.
neosrulez/inlinesvg 0.1.2
A Neos CMS nodetype to output svg inline.
neosrulez/dimensionsindexkeeper 0.1.1
A Neos CMS package that keeps the index of nodetypes the same in all dimensions.
neosrulez/fusionlooppagination 1.0.0
Neos.Fusion:Loop pagination
neosrulez/tinypng 1.0.0
A package to automate your JPEG and PNG compression workflow with the TinyPNG API in Neos CMS.
neosrulez/directmail-mailgun 1.0.4
Mailgun api connection for NeosRulez.DirectMail
neosrulez/directmail-formfinisher 1.0.4
Form finisher to add recipients with Neos.Form.
neosrulez/form-countryselect 1.0.1
A selectbox with all countries in the world for Neos.Form.Builder
neosrulez/frontendlogin 0.1.5
A Neos CMS package that handles frontend login and user management.
neosrulez/bootstrap-columns 1.0.2
Twitter Bootstrap columns for Neos CMS.
neosrulez/cookieoptin 2.0.8
A package which handles Cookie Opt-In for Neos CMS.
neosrulez/bootstrap-navpills dev-master
Twitter Bootstrap navbar tabs/pills for Neos CMS.
neosrulez/fusion-flashmessages 1.0
A Fusion component to render flash messages in Fusion (Neos CMS, Neos CMS Backend and Neos Flow) with JavaScript
neosrulez/assetsource-googlecloudstorage 1.0.4
Google Cloud Storage asset source for Neos CMS.
neosrulez/backup-googlecloudstorage 2.0.3
Backup your persistent data and database in Google Cloud Storage
neosrulez/bootstrap 6.0.8
A basic package to start building awesome Neos CMS websites based on Bootstrap v5.
neosrulez/bootstrap-formbuilder 1.1.7
A Neos CMS package which makes the Form Builder Bootstrap 5 compatible.
neosrulez/cachemanager 1.0.0
Neos CMS cache management backend module
neosrulez/category 1.0.7
A content filter nodetype for Neos CMS
neosrulez/countrydatasource 1.0.1
A package that provides a data source with all countries in the world including translations and other valuable data.
A plugin to turn Neos CMS into a newsletter tool.
neosrulez/folder 1.0.2
A folder nodetype for Neos CMS
neosrulez/form-multicolumnsection 1.0
A package for Neos CMS which render multi columns in form nodetypes.
neosrulez/nodesearch 1.0.0
A node based search for Neos CMS.
neosrulez/react-cookieoptin 1.0.6
A package which handles Cookie Opt-In for Neos CMS. Build with React.
neosrulez/reactjs 0.0.1
A package for Neos CMS which embeds ReactJS and Babel.
neosrulez/socialmedia 0.1.1
A Neos CMS plugin which render links to your social media profiles.
neosrulez/shop-mollie 1.0.4
mollie payment service for the neosrulez-shop package
neosrulez/acl 1.6.1
The missing access control list for Neos CMS.
neosrulez/neos-passwordreset 1.1.0
A Neos CMS package that adds password reset functionality to Neos backend login form
neosrulez/bootstrap-gallery 1.0.3
Extends the NeosRulez.Bootstrap Gallery NodeType by a pagination.
neosrulez/locomotivescroll 1.0.1
A Neos CMS package to use Locomotive Scroll (
neosrulez/neos-frontendlogin 1.0.5
A Neos CMS package that handles the frontend login and user management. The forms are created with custom finishers and validators in the Neos Form Builder.
neosrulez/flow-slackclient 1.0.0
A slack client package for Neos and Flow.
neosrulez/neos-media-clithumbnailgenerator 0.1.0
Command Line Interface based thumbnail generators for Neos Media
neosrulez/neos-scheduler 1.0.0
A package for Neos CMS to easily manage cron-jobs.
neosrulez/navbar-megamenu 0.0.1
Mega menu for NeosRulez.Bootstrap
neosrulez/neos-uniqueproperties 0.1.0
Unique properties for Neos CMS.
neosrulez/assetsource-pixabay 1.0.0
Pixabay AssetSource -
neosrulez/neos-mailgun 1.0.0
A Neos Flow package to easily use the mailgun api
neosrulez/neos-styledselectboxeditor 1.0.1
Styled select box editor for Neos CMS
neosrulez/neos-vieweditor 1.0.0
An editor to implement a Neos Flow controller view
neosrulez/bootstrap-gallerycarousel 2.0.0
A carousel extension for the NeosRulez.Bootstrap Gallery NodeType.
neosrulez/shop-globalpayments 1.0.0
Global Payments payment service for the neosrulez-shop package
neosrulez/neos-monacoeditor 1.0.0
A Neos CMS plugin which provides the Monaco editor for the inspector.
neosrulez/neos-ckeditor-specialcharacters dev-master
Special characters and emojis for Neos CMS CKEditor.
neosrulez/neos-applicationinformation 1.0.0
Neos CMS application information.
neosrulez/neos-ckeditor-customstyles 2.0.4
Custom styles for Neos CK Editor.
neosrulez/neos-multiplenodecreation 1.0.0
Multiple node creation in Neos CMS.
neosrulez/neos-tabnavigationwheel 1.0.3
A tab navigation wheel for the Neos CMS inspector.
neosrulez/neos-essentials 0.0.9
Essential and frequently needed things for development with Neos Flow.
neosrulez/neos-cachebuilder 0.0.1
A frontend cache builder for Neos CMS.
neosrulez/neos-form-emailfinisher 1.0.0
An advanced email finisher that sends selected attachments with a confirmation email.
neosrulez/neos-editors 1.0.5
A package with additional editors for the Neos CMS inspector.
neosrulez/neos-cart 0.0.1
A shopping cart package for Neos Flow applications.
neosrulez/neos-datareporter 0.0.1
DataReporter WebCare compatible iFrames for Neos CMS.
neosrulez/neos-fontawesomeselectboxeditor 1.0.1
Font Awesome icon editor for the Neos CMS inspector.
neosrulez/neos-moveablenodes 1.0.3
A Neos UI plugin that lets you move nodes in the GuestFrame. Based on the cut and paste logic.