
neosrulez/blog 4.0.17

A blog package for Neos CMS. (This package requires NeosRulez.Bootstrap)
Last activity 26 Jun 2024 7640

neosrulez/shoppingcart 2.1

A simple Neos CMS shopping cart plugin (without user management)
Last activity 27 Jan 2020 1 108

neosrulez/cookieconsent 1.4

A Neos CMS plugin to integrate the Cookie Banner from
Last activity 28 Jul 2018 1 56


Awesome Neos CMS shopping cart plugin
Last activity 05 Jul 2024 1 3253

neosrulez/instagramfeed 1.0.4

A Neos CMS plugin which show an instagram feed from any public profile.
Last activity 06 Nov 2020 159

neosrulez/cloudtranslation 1.2

A Neos CMS plugin which translates text from nodetypes with the Google Translate Api.
Last activity 16 Dec 2020 45

neosrulez/hybridauth 0.1.3

A Neos CMS plugin which enables login with Google, Github and Facebook to the Neos CMS backend.
Last activity 14 Feb 2021 9

neosrulez/dynamicresources 1.1.2

A package for Neos CMS which render and cache dynamic CSS (scss) and Javascript resources.
Last activity 29 Nov 2022 2689

neosrulez/inlinesvg 0.1.2

A Neos CMS nodetype to output svg inline.
Last activity 02 Mar 2021 2725

neosrulez/tinypng 1.0.0

A package to automate your JPEG and PNG compression workflow with the TinyPNG API in Neos CMS.
Last activity 21 Mar 2021 4

neosrulez/frontendlogin 0.1.5

A Neos CMS package that handles frontend login and user management.
Last activity 21 Jul 2021 1 153

neosrulez/cookieoptin 2.0.8

A package which handles Cookie Opt-In for Neos CMS.
Last activity 27 Jul 2023 3243

neosrulez/fusion-flashmessages 1.0

A Fusion component to render flash messages in Fusion (Neos CMS, Neos CMS Backend and Neos Flow) with JavaScript
Last activity 13 Jun 2021 1 460

neosrulez/bootstrap 6.0.8

A basic package to start building awesome Neos CMS websites based on Bootstrap v5.
Last activity 22 Aug 2023 6 1 7749

neosrulez/category 1.0.7

A content filter nodetype for Neos CMS
Last activity 18 Apr 2021 6118

neosrulez/countrydatasource 1.0.1

A package that provides a data source with all countries in the world including translations and other valuable data.
Last activity 29 Nov 2022 5769


A plugin to turn Neos CMS into a newsletter tool.
Last activity 24 Jul 2023 730

neosrulez/folder 1.0.2

A folder nodetype for Neos CMS
Last activity 18 Apr 2021 6077

neosrulez/reactjs 0.0.1

A package for Neos CMS which embeds ReactJS and Babel.
Last activity 30 Dec 2020 304

neosrulez/socialmedia 0.1.1

A Neos CMS plugin which render links to your social media profiles.
Last activity 23 Jun 2021 3223

neosrulez/shop-mollie 1.0.4

mollie payment service for the neosrulez-shop package
Last activity 30 Aug 2022 393

neosrulez/acl 1.6.1

The missing access control list for Neos CMS.
Last activity 11 Feb 2022 1 1033

neosrulez/neos-passwordreset 1.1.0

A Neos CMS package that adds password reset functionality to Neos backend login form
Last activity 14 Oct 2022 32

neosrulez/locomotivescroll 1.0.1

A Neos CMS package to use Locomotive Scroll (
Last activity 15 Oct 2021 33

neosrulez/neos-frontendlogin 1.0.5

A Neos CMS package that handles the frontend login and user management. The forms are created with custom finishers and validators in the Neos Form Builder.
Last activity 13 Nov 2022 456

neosrulez/neos-monacoeditor 1.0.0

A Neos CMS plugin which provides the Monaco editor for the inspector.
Last activity 17 Aug 2022 1 2051

neosrulez/neos-essentials 0.0.9

Essential and frequently needed things for development with Neos Flow.
Last activity 21 Jul 2023 170

neosrulez/neos-editors 1.0.2

A package with additional editors for the Neos CMS inspector.
Last activity 19 Jun 2024 1 2004

neosrulez/neos-cart 0.0.1

A shopping cart package for Neos Flow applications.
Last activity 31 May 2023 48

neosrulez/neos-moveablenodes 1.0.3

A Neos UI plugin that lets you move nodes in the GuestFrame. Based on the cut and paste logic.