Mindscreen organized the first Meet Neos in Munich as part of the Web Week Munich. 40 guests used the chance to talk to team members and agencies about Neos. The Einstein Kultur location was a great surrounding to learn about content management and content applications.
Hello Neos (German)
Robert Lemke from Flownative introduces Neos, a modern Content Application Platform that allows a multitude of use cases: one pager, multi-domain-websites, multi-language-websites, personalisation and integration with e.g. ecommerce systems.
Showcase: triangular is the new square (German)
Robert Zierhofer from Onedrop showcases a graphically rich website which is nevertheless extremely easy to work with for editors.
Showcase: HTML instead of PDF, Neos instead of Word (German)
Thomas Heilmann from mindscreen shows off Neos's capabilities for easing document workflows.
From message to website - content strategy with Neos (German)
Neos allows a slim “content first” approach, focussing on the customer's content. This talk by Sebastian Kurfürst from Sandstorm describes a prototypical project and shows how the Neos Content Repository is used for multi-channel und target grup specific publishing.
Showcase: develop and edit content structure in Neos (German)
Franz Kugelmann from elementare teilchen showed their large project with the technical university of Munich which uses Neos's abilities to publish the same content at multiple places.
Multi Channel Publishing (German)
Create once - publish everywhere. Hans Höchtl from Onedrop shows the possibilities of the Neos CR to use a single content basis to serve many output formats such as Indesign XML, Google AMP, Sitemaps, DOCX and others.
Showcase: Passcreator and Flow (German)
David Sporer from Passcreator showcased their Passcreator application for mobile passes created with the Flow framework.
Yes, I do! You too? (German)
To get started with Neos and Flow Tobias Gruber from Sandstorm shows entry points, invites to join our community and supports with first steps. He also gives an overview of current topics and a glimpse of the project's future.
Thank you!
We want to thank the organizers, sponsors, speakers and of course all participants who helped make this Meet Neos event possible
It would be fantastic to see you at one of our next Meet Neos events!