Report: Meet Neos Salzburg

The first Meet Neos event in Austria took place on 13th October 2016. The 1-day conference was organized by gesagt.getan at Gutshof Glanegg.

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About 40 attendees, developers and members of the Neos community gathered in Salzburg for the first ever MEET NEOS event in Austria. MEET NEOS Salzburg offered a detailed introduction to the features and benefits of Neos from assorted perspectives. 

The 1-day conference took place on October 13th and was organised by the Salzburg based Neos agency gesagt.getan

Nine speakers, among them core developers and contributors as well as content managers, offered the audience a multifaceted overview of the innovative Content Application Platform by sharing their Neos experiences and expertise. 

Neos and I (German)

Christian Müller from Flownative introduced Neos and outlined the management of an open source CMS, the scheduling and tasks of different core teams with members from all over Europe and the superiority of Neos as a Content Application Platform compared to a classic CMS.

Content Modelling - from theory to Neos (English)

Dominique Feyer from the Lausanne based company ttree introduced his approach to content modelling and used examples of successful projects to exhibit the benefits of focusing on content rather than code.

Webmarketing with Neos (German)

Christoph Huber and Andreas Neumann from gesagt.getan provided an excursion into web marketing and shared their experiences with Neos based search engine optimization (SEO) – including its advantages and challenges.

Content is King! Or: why mobile first is outdated (German)

How "content first" became the new "mobile first" was then summarized by Jon Uhlmann from dotpulse. He further addressed a significant leap forward in content management technology by demonstrating how Neos allowed for the editing of a website’s content even in the earliest stages of development.

Sheos: Combining Shopware and Neos (German)

Gerhard Boden and Hans Hofinger from gesagt.getan approached the topic of eCommerce and Neos. They revealed their approach of combining Neos with Shopware to build more effective web shops and simultaneously optimize the display of products as well as different kinds of content.

Finally, David Spiola from the Vienna based web&co, gesagt.getan‘s Teresa Ronsdorf and dotpulse’s Jon Uhlmann presented a set of case studies to illustrate the versatility of Neos and its suitability for various projects.

MEET NEOS Salzburg concluded with craft beer, snacks and further inspired exchange of knowledge. Special thanks go out to our excellent speakers as well as our participants – and, of course, to our sponsor, Austrian webhost EDIS.

Until we meet again at MEET NEOS Salzburg!