lelesys/common-neosproject 1.0.1
Common stuff which can be useful for Neos based website integration
lelesys/captcha 3.0.0
Captcha require for form
lelesys/plugin-contact-form 4.0.2
Contact Form plugin for TYPO3 Neos
lelesys/plugin-multi-content 4.0.3
MultiContent plugin for displaying content in different pleasant layouts.
lelesys/plugin-site-map 4.0.0
SiteMap helps you navigate throughout the pages on the site.
lelesys/neos-contentexportimport 1.0.0
Export and Import part of content among Neos installations
lelesys/plugin-newsletter 2.3.1
Newsletter plugin for TYPO3 Neos.
lelesys/common-flowproject 3.0.0
Common stuff and helpers for Flow Framework based projects
lelesys/news 4.0.9
News plugin for Neos
lelesys/cookiebar 2.0.7
CookieBar content element for Neos
lelesys/plugin-faq 2.0.0
A faq plugin for TYPO3 Neos
lelesys/plugin-slide-show 2.0.0
Display plain images in a nice slideshow (using a Lightbox or not). Select the images directly or choose a directory to show all images inside that directory.