Neos CMS core & community packages

This listing shows all Neos & Flow compatible packages extracted from 
(In order for your neos-* type package to appear on this list, just submit it to packagist) 

The latest package releases are also available as XML ATOM-feed for feed readers.

Showing 30 of 1044 results
  1. punktde/mautic 1.0.1

    This Plugin enables the usage of Marketing Automation Tool Mautic together with Neos CMS.
    Last activity 03 Sep 2019 4 2 94
  2. sfi/grid 2.2

    Foundation Grid
    Last activity 27 Aug 2019 4 3 1757
  3. ttree/identicons 2.0.0

    Neos Flow package to generate identicons, based on Github or DonPark styles.
    Last activity 04 Aug 2019 4 23
    • #github
    • #neos
    • #identicons
    • #donpark
  4. ewert/neos-webpush 1.0.0

    This package provides a backend module to manage and send Web Push Notifications
    Last activity 02 Aug 2019 6 9
  5. internezzo/childreload 1.0.2

    Neos CMS package that helps to reload the page on change of any of the child nodes of the specific nodetype
    Last activity 26 Jul 2019 11 31947
  6. toko/doit v0.0.1

    Ludicrously simple ToDo application based on Neos/Flow framework
    Last activity 11 Jun 2019 9
    • #flow
    • #neos
  7. onedrop/base-mixins 1.0.2

    Base NodeType Mixins for Neos Projects
    Last activity 21 May 2019 229
  8. onedrop/spacing 1.0

    Adds mixins to add space to top and bottom of each content component
    Last activity 14 May 2019 227
  9. onedrop/base64 1.0.2

    EEL helper to encode and decode strings to base64
    Last activity 07 May 2019 687
  10. flownative/nats dev-master

    A NATS client for PHP.
    Last activity 02 Apr 2019 5 188
  11. miweb/neos-privacy 1.0.2

    Privacy extensions for Neos. Cookie notifications, ...
    Last activity 13 Mar 2019 12
  12. webexcess/comments 0.1.2

    This package provides your visitors the possibility to comment stuff and discuss together.
    Last activity 08 Mar 2019 4 4 1695
    • #flow
    • #comment
    • #neos
  13. lelesys/plugin-site-map 4.0.0

    SiteMap helps you navigate throughout the pages on the site.
    Last activity 04 Mar 2019 5 1 1354
  14. mapseven/gallery dev-master

    Gallery NodeTypes for TYPO3 Neos
    Last activity 11 Feb 2019 2 19
  15. mapseven/calendar dev-master

    Simple Calendar plugin for NeosCMS with FullCalendar as frontend and Google Calendar as backend
    Last activity 10 Feb 2019 6 3 43
    • #fullcalendar
    • #google calendar
    • #neoscms