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Sandstorm Media GmbH
Sandstorm exists because of our inner need to help others. We believe in the potential in everyone to grow beyond themselves. This includes the courage to do different things and to do things differently. We love to question the status quo and discover new things together.
Provided services
Number of employees: 11-50- Consulting
- Integration - Website development
- Support
- Package development
- Core development
- Full Service
- Trainings / Workshops
- Design
- Neos Dedication Award 2022 (PRunner & Decoupled Content Store)
- Neos Gold Award 2020 (
- Neos Dedication Award 2020 (Ökokiste)
- Neos Gold Award 2017 (1&1 Website)
Neos packages
- sandstorm/templatemailer 34574 11
- sandstorm/cookiepunch 26713 5
- sandstorm/usermanagement 23024 37
- sandstorm/gedmotranslatableconnector 14755 6
- sandstorm/neosacl 14679 14
- sandstorm/e2etesttools 12220 8
- sandstorm/crudforms 11738 23
- sandstorm/lightweightelasticsearch 5833 11
- sandstorm/heroku 5489 7
- sandstorm/mxgraph 5421 18
- sandstorm/neostwofactorauthentication 3780 9
- sandstorm/lazydatasource 3651 8
- sandstorm/neosh5p 1383 9
- sandstorm/ckeditorinspector 556 6
- sandstorm/uploadtospecificresourcecollection 29 1
- sandstorm/configloader 8 2
More on Github
Funding badges
- Active Team Member Employer 4
- Event Organizer Neos Con 2023
- Long Time Supporter Organization Platinum
- Neos Supporter
- Event Organizer Neos Con 2021 Online
- Active Team Member Employer 3
- Long Time Supporter Organization Gold
- Event Organizer Neos Con 2020 Online
- Active Team Member Employer 4
- Event Organizer Neos Sprint DD 05/2019
- Event Organizer Badge Neos Con 05/2019 DD
- Event Organizer Meet Neos Dresden 03/2019
- Event Organizer Neos Sprint Dresden 06/2018
- Event Organizer Neos Sprint Dresden 02/2018
- React UI Core Feature Bronze
- Event Organizer Sprint Dresden 02/2017
- BrandSupportPremiumApril2016