
Last activity 13 Jan 2023 4 4 707
composer require unikka/neos-linkchecker

NeosCMS package that is able to crawl the whole page and check the links for broken links

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Neos package that is able to crawl the whole page and check the links for broken links



composer require unikka/neos-linkchecker --no-update

We collect the result items in the database and therefore you should execute the doctrine migration.

./flow doctrine:migrate


We have plenty of configuration options for the link checker. the most important if you want to use the crawler for your site is maybe the url. You can also use a parameter in the cli command if you don`t use just one url for instance.

    url: 'unikka.de'

More detailed information will follow. At the moment just check out the Settings.yaml


We'd love you to contribute to Neos.LinkChecker. We try to make it as easy as possible. Therefore the first rule is to follow the eslint commit message guideline. It is really easy, when you always commit via yarn commit. Commitizen will guide you.

If you have questions just ping us on twitter or github.


The package is based on the Noerdisch/LinkChecker package. We thank the Noerdisch team for all the efforts.


The GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, please see License File for more information.

The content of the readme is provided by Github
The same vendor provides 5 package(s).