prgfx/fusion-template-literals 0.3.0
A fusion DSL providing a syntax similar to the javascript tagged template literals
prgfx/neos-textpartlanguage v0.3.0
Neos package to integrate the ckeditor5-language plugin into the CKEditor to allow tagging content for specific languages
prgfx/neos-axecore v0.8.1
Integrates axe-core accessibility tests into the Neos backend UI
prgfx/neos-markdown-view v0.1.2
An inspector view to render markdown
prgfx/neos-dynamic-placeholder v0.1.0
Enables setting the Neos inline editor placeholder with ClientEval
prgfx/neos-contentcomment-annotation dev-main
Adds inline UI to the networkteam/contentcomments comments.
prgfx/neos-pathsegment-edtor-fix v0.1.0
Resets defaults and adds options to customize special-character handling in the neos uri-path-segment editor.
prgfx/neos-linkeditor v0.1.0
Neos Link-Editor extension for editing query arguments for example to edit tracking parameters.