composer require itoop/neos-simple-table
Simple Html-Table NodeType for Neos CMS
ITOOP Neos-Simple-Table
Simple Html-Table NodeType for Neos CMS >= 5.0
Fork of with additions.
What it provides
Easily adding a Table-NodeType in Neos CMS.
At the moment you can provide the data as CSV string. This will be parsed and rendered as HTML-Table.
Choose if a header row and/or a highlight column needs to be rendered.
Install via composer:
php composer.phar require "itoop/neos-simple-table" "^0.2"
Just add well formated Csv with semicolon (;) as delimiter into the data-field of the inspector. Choose if your data contains any header data and if you need the first column highlighted. Select columns which shall be aligned right oder center; default is left.
The same vendor provides 2 package(s).