
Last activity 23 Jun 2018 6 6 21018
composer require flowpack/jobqueue-beanstalkd

Implements concrete Queue for the beanstalkd work queue. Requires the packages flowpack/jobqueue-common and pda/pheanstalk package to be installed.


A job queue backend for the Flowpack.JobQueue.Common package based on beanstalkd.


Install the package using composer:

composer require flowpack/jobqueue-beanstalkd

If not already installed, that will fetch its requirements, namely jobqueue-common and pda/pheanstalk. NOTE: This package needs a running beanstalkd server

Now the queue can be configured like this:

          className: 'Flowpack\JobQueue\Beanstalkd\Queue\BeanstalkdQueue'
          executeIsolated: true
              port: 11301
            defaultTimeout: 50
            priority: 512
            delay: 120

Specific options

The BeanstalkdQueue supports following options:

Option Type Default Description
defaultTimeout integer 60 Number of seconds new messages are waited for before a timeout occurs (This is overridden by a "timeout" argument in the waitAndTake() and waitAndReserve() methods
client array ['host' => '', 'port' => 11300] Beanstalkd connection settings

Submit options

Additional options supported by JobManager::queue(), BeanstalkdQueue::submit() and the Job\Defer annotation:

Option Type Default Description
delay integer 0 Number of seconds before a message is marked "ready" after submission. This can be useful to prevent premature execution of jobs (i.e. before entites are persisted)
priority integer 1024 Priority of the message. most urgent: 0, least urgent: 4294967295
ttr integer 60 Number of seconds a message is allowed to be reserved before it is released, aborted or finished. NOTE: This option is not available in the releaseOptions!

Release options

Additional options to be specified via releaseOptions:

Option Type Default Description
delay integer 0 Number of seconds before a message is marked "ready" after it has been released.
priority integer 1024 Priority of the message. most urgent: 0, least urgent: 4294967295


This package is licensed under the MIT license


Pull-Requests are more than welcome. Make sure to read the Code Of Conduct.

The content of the readme is provided by Github
The same vendor provides 49 package(s).