
Last activity 12 Aug 2022 4 7 26857
composer require flownative/neos-pixxio

Neos integration for pixx.io

MIT license Packagist Maintenance level: Acquaintance

pixx.io adaptor for Neos 4.x / 5.x

This Flow package allows you to use assets (ie. pictures and other documents) stored in pixx.io in your Neos website as if these assets were native Neos assets.

About pixx.io

pixx.io offers an intelligent solution for digital asset management. The software makes working with pictures, graphics and video files easier. pixx.io is safe, efficient and easy to understand and handle.

Key Features

  • authentication setup via own backend module
  • seamless integration into the Neos media browser
  • automatic import and clean up of media assets from pixx.io


The pixx.io connector is installed as a regular Flow package via Composer. For your existing project, simply include flownative/neos-pixxio into the dependencies of your Flow or Neos distribution:

For Neos 4.*:

$ composer require flownative/neos-pixxio:~1.0

For Neos 5.*:

$ composer require flownative/neos-pixxio:~2.0

Enabling pixx.io API access

The API access is configured by three components:

  1. a setting which contains the customer-specific service endpoint URL
  2. a setting providing the pixx.io API key
  3. a setting providing the pixx.io user refresh token

First define the customer-specific service endpoint by adding the URL to your settings:

        assetSource: 'Flownative\Pixxio\AssetSource\PixxioAssetSource'
          apiEndpointUri: 'https://flownative.pixxio.media/cgi-bin/api/pixxio-api.pl'

You will likely just replace "flownative" by our own subdomain.

Next, add the pixx.io API key and the refresh token of the pixx.io user you want to connect with Neos:

        assetSource: 'Flownative\Pixxio\AssetSource\PixxioAssetSource'
          apiEndpointUri: 'https://flownative.pixxio.media/cgi-bin/api/pixxio-api.pl'
          apiKey: 'abcdef123456789'
          sharedRefreshToken: 'A3ZezMq6Q24X314xbaiq5ewNE5q4Gt'

When you committed and deployed these changes, you can log in to the Neos backend and navigate to the pixx.io backend module to verify your settings.

If you would like a separate pixx.io user for the logged in Neos user, you can copy and paste your own "refresh token" into the form found in the backend module and store it along with your Neos user.

When everything works out fine, Neos will report that the connection was successful (and if not, you'll see an error message with further details).

Additional configuration options

During import, Neos tries to use a medium-sized version of the original instead of the high resolution file uploaded to pixx.io. This greatly improves import speed and produces good results in most cases. Furthermore, this way some formats, like Adobe Photoshop, can be used seamlessly in Neos without the need to prior converting them into a web-compatible image format.

It is possible though, to configure this plugin to always use the high-res original for import. By default, formats like SVG or PDF are imported this way. You can add more types through the similar entries like in the following settings:

        assetSource: 'Flownative\Pixxio\AssetSource\PixxioAssetSource'
              usePixxioThumbnailAsOriginal: true
              usePixxioThumbnailAsOriginal: true

Sometimes the API Client needs additional configuration for the tls connection like custom timeouts or certificates. See: http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/6.5/request-options.html

        assetSource: 'Flownative\Pixxio\AssetSource\PixxioAssetSource'
            'verify': '/path/to/cert.pem'           

Run database migrations

./flow doctrine:migrate

Cleaning up unused assets

Whenever a pixx.io asset is used in Neos, the media file will be copied automatically to the internal Neos asset storage. As long as this media is used somewhere on the website, Neos will flag this asset as being in use. When an asset is not used anymore, the binary data and the corresponding metadata can be removed from the internal storage. While this does not happen automatically, it can be easily automated by a recurring task, such as a cron-job.

In order to clean up unused assets, simply run the following command as often as you like:

./flow media:removeunused --asset-source flownative-pixxio

If you'd rather like to invoke this command through a cron-job, you can add two additional flags which make this command non-interactive:

./flow media:removeunused --quiet --assume-yes --asset-source flownative-pixxio


This plugin also offers an auto-tagging feature. When auto-tagging is enabled, Neos will automatically flag assets which are currently used with a user-defined keyword. When as the asset is not used in Neos anymore, this keyword is removed. This keyword is applied to the actual file / asset in the Pixxio media library and helps editors to keep an overview of which assets are currently used by Neos.

Auto-tagging is configured as follows:

        assetSource: 'Flownative\Pixxio\AssetSource\PixxioAssetSource'
            enable: true
            inUseTag: 'your-custom-tag'

Since Neos currently cannot handle auto-tagging reliably during runtime, the job must be done through a command line command. Simply run the following command for tagging new assets and removing tags from assets which are not in use anymore:

./flow pixxio:tagusedassets

Tagging used assets of asset source "flownative-pixxio" via Pixxio API:
  (tagged)  dana-devolk-1348553-unsplash 358 (1)
   tagged   azamat-zhanisov-1348039-unsplash 354 (1)
  (tagged)  tim-foster-1345174-unsplash 373 (1)
   removed  some-coffee 28 (0)
  (tagged)  nikhita-s-615116-unsplash 368 (1)

It is recommended to run this command through a cron-job, ideally in combination with the media:removeunused command. It's important to run the removeunused-command after the tagging command, because otherwise removed images will not be untagged in the Pixxio media library.

Note: At this point, the auto-tagging feature is not really optimized for performance. The command merely iterates over all assets which were imported from Pixxio and checks if tags need to be updated.

Background and Demo

Background and Demo

Credits and license

This plugin was sponsored by pixx.io and its initial version was developed by Robert Lemke of Flownative.

See LICENSE for license details.

The content of the readme is provided by Github
The same vendor provides 44 package(s).