Roland joins the Neos Team

Hi, I'm Roland, web developer by heart. Since the sprint in Dresden, I'm a proud member of the Neos Team.

– Written by

Back in 2016 I was looking for a content management system that finally made editors and me as a developer happy. After researching for weeks and trying many systems I decided to use Neos. I struggled a bit to get started – but I was motivated. So I read the whole documentation and everything I could find on YouTube – day and night. The more I learned the more I liked it.


Deeper down the rabbit hole...

Since then a lot happened. David Spiola and I organized Neos Meetups in Vienna and one sprint in Vienna. The great people from gesagt.getan organized meetups in Salzburg. Everybody has the motivation to build something magical. This means a lot of innovation and no fear to try risky things. This is why Neos is the state-of-the-art system and constantly evolves.


Neos Sprint Vienna

My goals

I try to make all the innovation more accessible and further grow the community. Also, I want to build great web solutions based on Neos myself. Shortly after the Dresden sprint, I finished the editor documentation. I released a new version of the Neos-Skeleton with all current best practices. Currently, I'm focusing on documenting this and getting new developers on board.


About me

I'm a techie ... a design lover ... a developer ... that's why you'll find me at developer meetings and a lot in front of my notebook. I am managing partner at Code Q. As a well-known face in the Viennese web developer scene, I organize the monthly developer event ViennaJS and with David Spiola the Neos CMS & Flow Framework Vienna.



You can find me on slack @rolandschuetz or