Neos CMS core & community packages

This listing shows all Neos & Flow compatible packages extracted from 
(In order for your neos-* type package to appear on this list, just submit it to packagist) 

The latest package releases are also available as XML ATOM-feed for feed readers.

Showing 30 of 1044 results
  1. flowpack/nodetemplates 2.1.1

    Neos package that allows to modify nodes on creation via templates.
    Last activity 29 Jun 2024 31 352087
  2. shel/neos-logs 1.4.1

    Allows access to logfiles and exceptions from the Neos CMS backend
    Last activity 28 Jun 2024 7 2 25139
    • #log
    • #logging
    • #flow
    • #exception
    • #neos
    • #viewer
    • #neoscms
    • #analyse
    • #logfile
  3. neos/seo 4.1.3

    SEO configuration and tools for Neos
    Last activity 28 Jun 2024 14 31 790107
  4. neos/setup 6.0.0

    An extensible setup tool for Neos Flow based applications
    Last activity 27 Jun 2024 7 16 528805
  5. neosrulez/blog 4.0.17

    A blog package for Neos CMS. (This package requires NeosRulez.Bootstrap)
    Last activity 26 Jun 2024 7651
  6. codeq/prototyperenderernode v1.1.1

    Prototype Renderer Content Nodes for Neos CMS
    Last activity 26 Jun 2024 2364
    • #flow
    • #html
    • #neos
    • #fusion
  7. shel/neos-commandbar 1.1.0

    A commandbar (CMD+K) for Neos CMS
    Last activity 25 Jun 2024 15 2133
    • #cms
    • #neos
    • #cmdk
    • #commandbar
  8. shel/neos-terminal 1.2.0

    Neos CMS Ui terminal for running Eel expressions and other commands
    Last activity 24 Jun 2024 13 1 24138
    • #flow
    • #console
    • #terminal
    • #neoscms
    • #eel
  9. neos/behat 8.3.0

    Behat support package for Neos Flow
    Last activity 22 Jun 2024 4 12 558546
  10. neosrulez/neos-editors 1.0.2

    A package with additional editors for the Neos CMS inspector.
    Last activity 19 Jun 2024 1 2004
  11. codeq/taggr 1.0.0

    A package to tag nodes for internal management
    Last activity 19 Jun 2024 17
  12. neosidekick/revisions 1.1.0

    Neos CMS plugin for managing content revisions
    Last activity 19 Jun 2024 2 543
    • #flow
    • #neoscms
    • #revisions
  13. neosidekick/htmlcontent v2.0.0

    HTML content nodes for the Neos CMS
    Last activity 19 Jun 2024 — —
    • #flow
    • #html
    • #neos
    • #fusion
  14. codeq/htmlcontent v2.0.0

    HTML content nodes for the Neos CMS
    Last activity 19 Jun 2024 384
    • #flow
    • #html
    • #neos
    • #fusion
  15. neos/cache 8.3.9

    Neos Cache Framework
    Last activity 17 Jun 2024 9 3 1216056
  16. neos/eel 8.3.9

    The Embedded Expression Language (Eel) is a building block for creating Domain Specific Languages
    Last activity 17 Jun 2024 11 1 1211387
  17. neos/kickstarter 8.3.9

    A simple generator for controller and views.
    Last activity 17 Jun 2024 5 476588
  18. neos/neos-setup 3.0.0

    Custom neos/setup steps and configuration for Neos CMS
    Last activity 16 Jun 2024 1 2 163448
  19. neos/welcome 9.0.0

    This package provides a start screen for the Flow framework with links to online resources.
    Last activity 14 Jun 2024 3 3 76813
  20. codeq/linkchecker v3.1.0

    Finds broken and misconfigured links in your Neos project
    Last activity 13 Jun 2024 7 3341
  21. shel/neos-workspace-module 1.1.1

    An alternative workspace module with additional features for Neos CMS
    Last activity 12 Jun 2024 17 18695
    • #flow
    • #neoscms
    • #workspaces
  22. paessler/anchorlink 1.0.0

    Extends the Neos CKE5 link-editor custom anchor link option
    Last activity 11 Jun 2024 4 3
  23. neos/buildessentials 9.0.0

    Neos Flow Build Toolchain Essentials
    Last activity 10 Jun 2024 9 9 757277
  24. codeq/advancedpublish 1.2.2

    The package adds a review workflow and change logs to the Neos publication function
    Last activity 23 May 2024 548