composer require webandco/neos-gulp
Gulp support for Neos projects with multi domain and browsersync support
- Requires
- neos/composer-plugin: ^1.0.6|^2.0.0
Neos CMS gulp processor for BEM Themes
This package aims to be one of many solutions to tackle theming in Neos CMS. We love BEM, that's why we wanted to have theme packages with self contained fusion components (fusion, js, css) and a corresponding build process for that.
WARNING: This package is work in process!
What does it do?
Basically it iterates through your site packages and generates js and css dist files configured in several Gulp.yaml files.
Hint: The loading order of the package components is not relevant as long as you stick to the BEM pattern.
After the installation, change to the directory ./Build/Gulp
and run npm install
In order to specify the entrypoint you have to create a Configuration/Gulp.yaml
within your Neos package.
Hint: As composer type for a theme package we use "type": "neos-site"
Global Gulp.yaml
You can also specify a global Gulp.yaml file in PROJECT_ROOT/Configuration/Gulp.yaml
. The config of this file will be merged into every other specified Gulp.yaml file. It is possible to remove global config in a project config file by setting the config to null
Additionally, in this file you can add additional packages that should also be processed (some package in Packages/Application
for example).
Please check the example file Gulp.yaml.example and Global_Gulp.yaml.example for more information.
To exectute commands, please go to ./Build/Gulp
- dist
- clean
- rebuild
- dist-css-bundle
- dist-css-fusion
- dist-css-library
- dist-js-bundle
- dist-js-fusion
- dist-js-library
- dist-copy
- dist-serviceworker
- favicon
- lint-js
- lint-scss
- server
- watch
Development sponsored by web&co.
Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE