Neos CMS core & community packages

This listing shows all Neos & Flow compatible packages extracted from 
(In order for your neos-* type package to appear on this list, just submit it to packagist) 

The latest package releases are also available as XML ATOM-feed for feed readers.

Showing 30 of 1044 results
  1. neos/event-sourcing 2.7.0

    Lean and opinionated way to integrate Event Sourcing and CQRS pattern in your Flow framework package
    Last activity 19 Feb 2024 44 28 99278
  2. tms/consent 1.3.0

    Simple, lightweight and customizable consent manager for Neos CMS based on Klaro!
    Last activity 13 Feb 2024 1 1219
    • #cookie
    • #third-party
    • #neoscms
    • #gdpr
    • #eprivacy
    • #consent-management
    • #klaro
  3. tms/select 1.4.2

    Select nodes instead of searching via reference editor in Neos CMS
    Last activity 13 Feb 2024 5 6293
    • #datasource
    • #selectbox
    • #neoscms
    • #selectboxeditor
    • #nodedata
  4. flowpack/prunner 1.1.2

    Integration of prunner (an embedded pipeline task runner) in Neos
    Last activity 09 Feb 2024 2 12384
  5. captcha-eu/neos 1.0

    Form Element to integrate into the Flow Form Framework
    Last activity 07 Feb 2024
  6. jonnitto/maps 0.2.1

    Maps integration for Neos CMS. Stadiamaps, Protomaps, Openstreetmaps or GoogleMaps. Live preview. Multiple addresses.
    Last activity 07 Feb 2024 2 761
    • #flow
    • #map
    • #neos
    • #googlemaps
    • #openstreetmaps
    • #protomaps
    • #stadiamaps
  7. neos/diff 8.3.15

    This is a comprehensive library for generating differences between two strings or arrays
    Last activity 02 Feb 2024 11 867869
  8. geopard/flexgrid 1.0.2

    A simple but full featured flexbox grid Package for Neos CMS.
    Last activity 28 Jan 2024 1 10
    • #grid
    • #flex
    • #neoscms
    • #fusion
    • #neos-plugin
  9. sandstorm/mxgraph 3.1.0

    Integrate / into Neos as Node Type for creating interactive diagrams and flowcharts
    Last activity 23 Jan 2024 17 2 4632
  10. neos/form 5.4.2

    Extensible and flexible API for building web forms
    Last activity 18 Jan 2024 15 25 705909
  11. flowpack/monolog 2.1.0

    Monolog integration for Flow
    Last activity 17 Jan 2024 3 18345
  12. unikka/neos-slick v4.1.0

    Plugin for the Neos CMS that provides a slick slider content element
    Last activity 11 Jan 2024 9 6698
  13. jonnitto/prettyembedaudio 6.0.1

    Prettier embeds for your audio files in Neos CMS.
    Last activity 18 Dec 2023 3 2592
    • #flow
    • #audio
    • #neos
    • #contentelement
  14. jonnitto/prettyembedvideostreaming 6.2.0

    Prettier embeds for your native streaming videos in Neos CMS - with nice options like high-res preview images, lightbox feature, captions and advanced customization of embed options.
    Last activity 15 Dec 2023 1 564
    • #flow
    • #video
    • #streaming
    • #neos
    • #contentelement
  15. jonnitto/prettyembedvideoplatforms 6.2.0

    Prettier embeds for your YouTube and Vimeo videos and playlists in Neos CMS - with nice options like high-res preview images, lightbox feature and advanced customization of embed options.
    Last activity 15 Dec 2023 6 36655
    • #flow
    • #youtube
    • #vimeo
    • #video
    • #neos
    • #contentelement
  16. jonnitto/prettyembedvideo 6.2.0

    Prettier embeds for your native videos in Neos CMS - with nice options like high-res preview images, lightbox feature, captions and advanced customization of embed options.
    Last activity 15 Dec 2023 4 30327
    • #flow
    • #video
    • #neos
    • #contentelement
  17. jonnitto/prettyembedcollection 6.0.0

    Collection of all packages from the PrettyEmbed series
    Last activity 12 Dec 2023 2 14877
    • #flow
    • #youtube
    • #vimeo
    • #video
    • #neos
    • #contentelement
  18. neos/utility-lock 6.0.1

    Flow Locking Implementation
    Last activity 04 Dec 2023 5 702138