Neos CMS core & community packages

This listing shows all Neos & Flow compatible packages extracted from 
(In order for your neos-* type package to appear on this list, just submit it to packagist) 

The latest package releases are also available as XML ATOM-feed for feed readers.

Showing 30 of 1044 results
  1. cvette/neos-lipsum v3.0

    This Neos plugin adds a 'Lorem Ipsum' node type.
    Last activity 27 Apr 2018 2 7
    • #flow
    • #lorem
    • #ipsum
    • #neoscms
  2. cvette/neos-code-block v2.0

    This package includes a node type to add code blocks with syntax highlighting to your Neos CMS project.
    Last activity 27 Apr 2018 3 445
  3. codeq/guidedtour dev-master

    A guided introduction tour for the Neos CMS
    Last activity 16 Mar 2018 14
  4. webexcess/form 2.0.20

    Extends the default neos form plugin.
    Last activity 13 Mar 2018 804
    • #flow
    • #form
    • #neos
  5. codeq/googledocs v1.0.0

    Google Docs content node type for the Neos CMS
    Last activity 06 Feb 2018 603
  6. ttree/slideout 0.1.1

    Simple Slideout navigation for your Neos project
    Last activity 05 Jan 2018 31
  7. ttree/googleanalytics 2.0.0

    Simple TypoScript objects to integration Google Analytics tracking codes on your Neos CMS Project
    Last activity 04 Jan 2018 1 1 1659
    • #analytics
    • #neos
    • #tracking
  8. pits/translationhelper v0.0.15

    Neos CMS Translation files manager backend plugin
    Last activity 11 Dec 2017 3 2 38
  9. ttree/eel-media 1.0.1

    A basic EEL helper to generate image URI
    Last activity 10 Nov 2017 63
  10. cvette/flow-web-link v1.0.0

    Neos Flow WebLink Package.
    Last activity 05 Nov 2017 7
    • #performance
    • #http
    • #link
    • #push
    • #preload
    • #prerender
    • #http2
    • #psr13
    • #prefetch
    • #dns-prefetch
  11. mapseven/piwik dev-master

    Simple Piwik Integration into NeosCMS
    Last activity 24 Oct 2017 3 25
  12. onedrop/phoneutil 0.1.1

    Utilities to deal with phone numbers
    Last activity 05 Oct 2017 2 2582