Utility Package for Flow development.
EmailService - Based on TYPO3 Swift Mailer to send template/translation based emails
DateTimeService - Parse strings to DateTime or create strings from DateTime based on locale
ColorStringValidator - Validates color strings (#000000, rgb(0,0,0), rgba(0,0,0,0))
DateStringValidator - Validates dates (accepts multiple formats (01/01/1960, 01.01.1960, ...))
TimeStringValidator - Validates times (accepts multiple formats (01:00 PM, 13:00, ...))
EmailAddressValidator - extends flows EmailAddressValidator, can check in database for account identifier
PasswordValidator - Validates passwords (pass password as array(0 => 'password', 1 => 'password confirmation'))
RenderExternalViewHelper - render partials from another package
PrintDateViewHelper - prints given date using DateTimeService
ContextViewHelper - returns current Flow Context
RegexViewHelper - match/replace strings using regex pattern
StripTagsViewHelper - equivalent to phps's in_array(), but accepts allowed as array('br','p','a')
InArrayViewHelper - equivalent to phps's in_array()
ArrayKeysViewHelper - equivalent to phps's array_keys()
IsArrayViewHelper - equivalent to phps's is_array()
JsonDecodeViewHelper - equivalent to phps's json_decode()