Neos CMS core & community packages

This listing shows all Neos & Flow compatible packages extracted from 
(In order for your neos-* type package to appear on this list, just submit it to packagist) 

The latest package releases are also available as XML ATOM-feed for feed readers.

Showing 30 of 1044 results
  1. litefyr/agora 0.2.0

    Site package for the Litefyr marketing site
    Last activity 22 May 2024 110
    • #flow
    • #neos
    • #litefyr
  2. lelesys/plugin-multi-content 4.0.3

    MultiContent plugin for displaying content in different pleasant layouts.
    Last activity 07 May 2024 3 1 941
  3. mireo91/repeatablefields v2.2.1

    Neos package for adding repeatables fields to neos-ui react
    Last activity 15 Apr 2024 14 13214
  4. neosrulez/neos-moveablenodes 1.0.3

    A Neos UI plugin that lets you move nodes in the GuestFrame. Based on the cut and paste logic.
    Last activity 10 Apr 2024 1 761
  5. shel/neos-colorpicker 1.6.6

    A plugin for Neos CMS which provides a colorpicker editor
    Last activity 08 Apr 2024 13 59275
    • #flow
    • #editor
    • #neos
    • #colorpicker
    • #neoscms
  6. sitegeist/monocle v7.10.4

    An living-styleguide for Neos that is based on the actual fusion-code
    Last activity 05 Apr 2024 46 234143
  7. flowpack/hal-client 0.5.3

    HAL client support package for Neos Flow
    Last activity 02 Apr 2024 1 1 2912
  8. dl/onepage 2.0.0

    A single page site package for Neos
    Last activity 29 Mar 2024 39
  9. neos/eventstore 1.0.1

    Store for Event-Sourced applications
    Last activity 22 Mar 2024 33345
  10. neos/redirecthandler-ui 3.0.0

    This package provides a backend module to manage Neos.RedirectHandler redirects
    Last activity 21 Mar 2024 13 9 406476
  11. netlogix/nodetypefinder 1.1.1

    Neos Backend Module to search for occurrences of NodeTypes in the page tree.
    Last activity 20 Mar 2024 1089
  12. shel/neos-hyphens 1.4.1

    A plugin for Neos CMS which provides hyphens for the inline editor
    Last activity 12 Mar 2024 20 120755
    • #flow
    • #editor
    • #ckeditor
    • #neos
    • #neoscms
    • #hyphens
  13. neos/fusion-afx 8.3.15

    JSX inspired compact syntax for Neos.Fusion
    Last activity 11 Mar 2024 26 8 708039
  14. aim29/neos-boxicons dev-main

    Neos CMS Components and NodeType for Boxicons
    Last activity 11 Mar 2024 2
  15. flowpack/jobqueue-doctrine 3.2.0

    Implements concrete Queue for the doctrine work queue. Requires the packages flowpack/jobqueue-common to be installed.
    Last activity 07 Mar 2024 6 151943
  16. neos/flow-log 8.3.9

    Flow Framework Logger
    Last activity 05 Mar 2024 6 1163994