Neos React UI Funding - Milestone Goal Reached!

As you might have heard, we have been running a funding campaign for finishing the Neos React UI for Neos 3.3. Today, the funding campaign has reached the most important milestone of 30 000 €, ensuring the project will start now. Read on for details.

– Written by

€30 000 raised

Goal: €30 000
Stretch Goal: €50 000

Today, we reached the milestone of 30 000 € – ensuring this project will actually happen in the upcoming months. I'd like to personally thank all sponsors for their involvement! A huge thank you to you from me personally, the people behind the React rewrite and the whole Neos core team!

I personally am also extremely grateful for the trust you're putting in us, and I'm extremely committed to keep the React UI Rewrite project smoothly running and ensuring that our goals are met.

Originally, the crowdfunding was planned to end at August 31st, but we did not have the public holidays on our radars, meaning some people we wanted to talk to were only available during the last days – that's why we came to extend the period a little.

In addition to all our sponsors so far, a huge thanks goes to TechDivision (having sponsored 2 000 €) and Mittwald (having sponsored 3 500 €). Both helped us today to reach our milestone, as well as numerous individuals having sponsored in the recent days!

Thanks again to all sponsors!

Thanks to all sponsors who have supported our efforts so far. After the funding period has ended, we'll highlight the sponsors some more on!

Core Feature Sponsors (5 000 €)

Premium Sponsors (2 000 €)

We'd also like to thank our value sponsors, Kaufmann Digital, webexcess,, Sebastian Helzle, web&co and our individual sponsors contenance, werk4, Peter Rauber, Kathleen Peschke and Jonathan Uhlmann for supporting the project.

Next Steps

We're now organizing the rewrite effort, going through the issues which have been submitted on GitHub. We start with the most critical missing features and bugs, and then try out the UI on as many sites as possible, fixing the glitches we find there.

I'll post bi-weekly status updates on the Neos Blog.

You can follow along this process by visiting, which we'll update in the upcoming days, and which is the main entry point for priorization of the React rewrite.

Furthermore, we're still leaving the crowdfunding campaign open some more; as we might be able to secure some more funds. This may get us closer to our 50 000 € stretch goal, where we'd be able to fix many more issues in the upcoming months.