
Letzte Aktivität 22 Oct 2022 4132
composer require neosrulez/backup-googlecloudstorage

Backup your persistent data and database in Google Cloud Storage

Neos CMS and Neos Flow Google Cloud Storage Backup

A package for Neos CMS and Neos Flow to create and restore backups in and from Google Cloud Storage.


The NeosRulez.Backup.GoogleCloudStorage package is listed on packagist ( - therefore you don't have to include the package in your "repositories" entry any more.

Just add the following line to your require section:

"neosrulez/backup-googlecloudstorage": "*"


Define an individual identifier for your backups, a Google Cloud Storage Bucket and specify the storage location of the credential .json:

      backup_identfier: 'backup' # your own backup identifier (extend filename on storage)
      storage_bucket_name: 'my_neos_backups'
      key_file_path: '/var/www/html/Packages/Sites/Acme.Site/Resources/Private/.credentials/credential.json'


CLI command Action
./flow backup:create Create backup in Google Cloud Storage
./flow backup:create --name custom Create custom named backup in Google Cloud Storage
./flow backup:restore name_of_the_backup.tar.gz Restore backup from Google Cloud Storage (can't be undone!)
./flow backup:restoredata Restore only data backup from Google Cloud Storage (can't be undone!)
./flow backup:restoredatabase Restore only database from Google Cloud Storage (can't be undone!)
./flow backup:download Download backup from Google Cloud Storage
./flow backup:delete Delete backup in Google Cloud Storage (can't be undone!)


The content of the readme is provided by Github
The same vendor provides 71 package(s).