So you've encountered a problem with Neos - we are sorry to hear that! But no need to panic!
There is a lot of help available at your fingertips. The Neos community is a very friendly group of people and eager to help you.
If you look for professional support with Flow or Neos, have a look at our Service Provider Listing.

GitHub Issues
You've found a bug in Neos? We are right here to help you out! First of all make sure that the bug isn't reported already, and fill a new issue if that is the case - We will do our best to fix it as soon as possible to make your experience with Neos better!

Do you have a question regarding the use or about Neos? Or do you want to propose something? Join us on Discourse! Browse the existing topics, join our conversations or start a new one simply by creating a new topic in the most suitable category!
You think Neos is awesome, want to share a project of yours or have recommendations for improvement in Neos?
We would love to hear from you!

Join us on Slack and let us know your feedback directly! The Neos community is a very friendly group of people and eager to hear what you want to share.

You want to give your feedback in an email rather than in a chat group? No problem!
You can contact us via mail as well.
Found a security issue?
If you have found a security issue in Neos or Flow, please do not post about it in a public channel.
Instead, report it directly to us so we can review and fix it immediately.