
Letzte Aktivität 21 Dec 2020 2 1 136
composer require aerticket/data-anonymizer

Anonymize sensitive data in your models via annotations


Release Date
Jul 23, 2019 07:10
MIT 2b657912a121a9c2b44845684b184ca76e62f7f5

Data Anonymizer for Neos Flow Applications

Anonymize sensitive data in your models via annotations


Install the package via composer:

composer require aerticket/data-anonymizer

(or by adding the dependency to the composer manifest of an installed package)

Basic usage

You can define which models should be anonymized via annotations:

  use Aerticket\DataAnonymizer\Annotations as Anonymizer;
   * @Anonymizer\AnonymizableEntity(referenceDate="updatedAt")
  class SomeClass {
      * @var \DateTime
      * @var string
      * @Anonymizer\Anonymize()

The referenceDate option of the class annotation is mandatory. It is the path to the property that contains the date that is used to determine the age of the entity. You can use the same syntax as a query condition (e.g. relatedObject.anotherRelatedObject.creationDate).

To actually trigger the anonymization process, you have to call the following flow command:

./flow anonymize:run 

Please note that a maximum number of 100 entities is anonymized per class and run. If more entities have to be anonymized, you have to run the command several times.

Anonymize given entities

If you need to manually trigger data anonymization (e.g. user data that can be cleared after having been processed), you can explicitly anonymize a given entity:


You can work on not (yet) persisted objects as well by avoiding an update of the record in its repository with the second parameter to anonymizeEntity.

Configuration options


You can define the age after which entities should be anonymized. The default value is configured via Settings.yaml:

      anonymizeAfter: '30 days'

If you want to override this value for a specific class, you can use the anonymizeAfter option of the AnonymizableEntity annotation.

Anonymized values

When anonymizing an entity, a anonymized value is set for each property that should be anonymized. For different property types (string, integer), different default values are configured via Settings.yaml.

If you want to use an individual value for a specific property, you can add the value to the Anonymize annotation of the property:

  use Aerticket\DataAnonymizer\Annotations as Anonymizer;
   * @Anonymizer\AnonymizableEntity(referenceDate="updatedAt")
  class SomeClass {
      * @var \DateTime
      * @var string
      * @Anonymizer\Anonymize("")


The following limitations apply at the moment:

  • This package only works with entities that have its own repository.
  • Anonymization of nested properties is non implemented yet.
The content of the readme is provided by Github
The same vendor provides 2 package(s).