Our Team Values

We recorded the following thoughts in October 2013 at the Neos Codesprint in Frankfurt.

the Neos Team

„These are living thoughts that describe a living team of living people. We can clarify and adapt anything here to better reflect who we are. These thoughts are neither rules nor procedures.“

the Neos Team

We are members of the Neos team – Everyone of us is unique. We share a set of values that make it fun to work as a team. These are our values. They motivate us and light our internal fire. Our values guide how we communicate and how we make decisions. We are agile. This is who we are.


We all make mistakes. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


We consider the consequences of our actions, our code, and our communication.


We all have different opinions, different personalities, and different ways to approach problems.


We trust other team members to make the right decision even when we are absent.

Our Fire


We love to learn from each other.


We value quality and excellence over mediocre but fast achievements.


We are passionate about creating great software.


We strive to improve ourselves and the project.

Our Communication


We discuss vividly, and we do not take it personally. When I have something to discuss, I bring it up. I won't take credit for efforts which are attributed to others.


Outside the team, we are unified in our communication. Our communication is consistent.


We disagree, but we do not start flame wars. When I disagree with you, I will talk with you respectfully.


We trust each other to speak for the team.

When I present or speak, I speak for the team, not just for my own benefit. I might be a team delegate, and I might look like a team leader to people outside the team, but I recognize that there are no fixed team roles, and I respect my fellow team members.

Our Decisions


We can learn from each other. We make decision processes transparent.

It is okay to reverse the decisions of others. No one can expect to get their way every time.


We give each other permission to make decisions, and we expect each other to make those decisions quickly and responsibly.

Use common sense instead of fine-grained rules.


We listen to and value each other's arguments and feedback.

Seek the input of others.


We trust all team members to make decisions. We trust each other to decide with good intentions.

Not everybody needs to be involved to make decisions.

Our Agility


We might make mistakes, but we take small steps. We can always adjust our course.

It is okay to reverse the decisions of others.


We move forward quickly. We make decision processes transparent.

No official team roles or hierarchy. No bureaucratic procedures.


We celebrate both joint and individual achievements. We respect each team member as a person, not just for the role they are filling right now.

Acknowledge others and give credit where credit is due.


We might use informal polls, but we do not have a formal voting process.

Not everybody needs to be involved to make decisions.