Neos Awards 2019 Winners and Recap

The Neos Conference 2019 was an absolute blast! Traditionally, the Neos community honoured the best projects of the year. It has been the strongest competition ever - let’s make a quick recap and take a look into the future.

– Written by


Neos Awards 2019 Winners


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Flownative Beach - Neos Award 2019

Neos CMS Gold Award 2019

Flownative Beach – by Flownative

Flownative Beach is a technically very well implemented service entirely based on the flow framework. Many agencies rely on the stability and scalability of the service every day. It is a shining example, that you can build basically anything with the Neos CMS ecosystem.

Neos CMS Silver Award 2019

HanseatReisen - by sitegeist

Hanseat Reisen convinced the jury with rich functionality for the user and the editor. Many (partly open source) packages have been developed to provide a complete customer journey in a multi tenant (affiliate) environment, regardless of screen real estate.  

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Hanseat Reisen - Neos Award 2019

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CKW  - Neos Award 2019

Neos CMS Bronze Award 2019

CKW - by Jung von Matt/Limmat

CKW is a self-service portal with a deep CRM integration and user authentication mechanisms. Customers find a very intuitive interface to check their energy plan, manage payments and read their current status of their smart meters. An advanced Neos Form integration delivers a great user experience for self assessments and dynamic components provide a custom user experience.

Excellence Awards 2019

Originality & Attraction

Brabus - by wysiwyg

Brabus impressed the jury with a visual presentation that matches the target group expectation. Stunning videos and product photos are transporting the brand’s message better than ever before. The relaunch exceeded all expectations with visitor growth of 200%.

Technical & Features

Cornelsen - by Cornelsen

Cornelsen convinced the jury with a very large content repository delivered by multiple domains, an intuitive search for regular and power users and a well integrated shop implementation.

Design & Usability

algacom - by webexcess & Bold AG

Algacom has been developed with a very modern headless CMS approach. The website has a fresh and modern design and has been enriched with subtle animations and a good organised navigation system.

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Brabus - Neos Award 2019

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Cornelsen - Neos Award 2019

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Algacom - Neos Award 2019

Neos Awards Recap

The past

The Neos Awards were first introduced in 2016. At the time Neos CMS was in its founding phase as an independent project after the split from TYPO3 and didn't even had a logo. Nevertheless, companies and agencies believed in the potential of the open source project and submitted their best work, being a very strong signal for everybody in the community.

Every year the engagement and competition grew together with the Neos Project itself, but the Neos Awards remained basically the same. 

The present

Until now, a handful of Neos core team members had a look at all Neos Award submissions and chose a winner for every category. This year we had the strong feeling, that the award also needed to evolve and should be as open and transparent as the Neos project itself.

Therefore, we reached out to the community to find a community jury member. We were very happy that Elena Kapp, a UI Developer from Cologne, Germany, agreed to be part of the jury. Together with Gerhard Boden and me (David Spiola), the jury had to make some tough choices in order to make the best decision.

We were positively surprised about the high quality and density of this year's submissions. Almost every project had its own approach and edge to be award-worthy, but there are only six awards - Gold, Silver, Bronze and three Excellence Awards.

The Neos Project always aimed for the best experience for users, editors and developers. This spirit was truly reflected within the submissions and it was also stunning to see how much effort companies and agencies invest into those experiences.

But even with taking that into account we still were not able to make a clear decision. So we went even further, checked SEO performance, and valued community contribution. In the end, it was as close as you can imagine. Thank you all for your submissions!

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The future

Design, usability, experience, performance, and many more features are very important indicators for any technology award. But sometimes you don’t have the budget, or the resources to compete with those indicators and really big projects.

We strongly believe that Neos is more than just pure performance and the Neos Award should reflect that as well. We think, it is time to introduce new indicators that reflect things like best effort, sustainability, and world improvement. Those new categories are in the making and not yet confirmed, but the Neos team has a strong desire to find new indicators which are not performance related.

If you are interested in joining and helping to evolve the Neos Awards, feel free to contact us via hello (at)!

We would like to thank all companies and agencies for submitting such great projects every year and we are looking forward to find even better ways to express your engagement to Neos CMS next year.

Thank you,
David & Fabian