sitegeist/taxonomy-elasticsearch dev-master
sitegeist/stencil-roller dev-master
Json rendering for headless Neos
sitegeist/papertrail v1.0.2
Sticky Notes for Neos, only visible in the Backend
sitegeist/scentmark v1.0.1
sitegeist/neostemplate-spectral v1.0.4
Neos Integration of the HTML5UP Template 'Spectral'
sitegeist/chantalle v1.0.4
Adopt packages into the local distribution package folder and adjust the names
sitegeist/flowakamainetstorage v2.0.2
sitegeist/janitor v3.3.0
Clean up your content repository
sitegeist/monocle-backstopjs v1.3.0
BackstopJS Connector for Sitegeist.Monocle
sitegeist/monocle-proptypes v1.1.0
An addon for Sitegeist.Monocle that generates a rich prop editor configuration from PackageFactory.AtomicFusion.PropTypes
sitegeist/csvpo v2.0.1
CSV based translations handling for Neos for easy use and colocation with presentational fusion
sitegeist/kaleidoscope v6.6.3
Responsive-images for Neos
sitegeist/klarschiff v3.0.2
Flow Package to avoid browser caching for updated resources
sitegeist/magicwand v4.4.2
Tools that make the Flow/Neos development easier
sitegeist/silhouettes v2.0.2
Preconfigure property-silhuettes that can be applied to various properties of multiple NodeTypes.
sitegeist/slipstream v2.1.5
sitegeist/stagefog v1.1.1
Control reloading when nodes are modified
sitegeist/stampede v1.6.1
svg-sprite icons for Neos
sitegeist/archaeopteryx 1.5.0
The missing link editor for Neos
sitegeist/monocle v7.11.0
An living-styleguide for Neos that is based on the actual fusion-code
sitegeist/taxonomy v1.4.0
Manage vocabularies and taxonomies as separate node-hierarchy.
sitegeist/nomenclator v1.0.0
Glossary for Neos
sitegeist/iconoclasm v2.0.2
Imagemin integration for Neos Images
sitegeist/lostintranslation v2.2.0
Automatic content translations for Neos using the DeepL Api
sitegeist/lostintranslation-csvpo v1.1.1
sitegeist/kaleidoscope-wtf dev-main
Tools to better understand the Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope image rendering
sitegeist/rollup v2.0.0
sitegeist/turncoat dev-master
Theming for Neos CMS
sitegeist/assetsource-3qvideo v1.0.0
Neos Asset Source for 3Q Videos
sitegeist/fusionlinkprototypes v1.0.1
Missing Prototypes for easier linking to actions and modules
sitegeist/inspectorgadget v2.0.2
Edit value objects in the inspector
sitegeist/chitchat v1.2.0
Random texts to be used as styleguide props
sitegeist/noderobis v2.0.0
sitegeist/stalemate v1.0.1
Cache with stale period and asynchronous updates
sitegeist/fusionform-friendlycaptcha 1.2.0
FriendlyCaptcha field and validator for Neos.Fusion.Form
sitegeist/neos-symfonymailer v1.2.0
A connector to use the symfony mailer component in Neos.Fusion.Form Actions and via PHP
sitegeist/fusionform-upload v1.0.1
sitegeist/pyranodis v2.0.0
sitegeist/offcors v1.0.2
CORS Middleware for Neos-CMS / Flow-Framework
sitegeist/papertiger v0.8.1
Editable forms for Neos CMS
sitegeist/treasuremap v1.0.0
Switch between multiple cache-backend via environment configuration.
sitegeist/artclasses dev-main
Provides a standard API for Neos media interpretation using external (AI) tools.
sitegeist/artclasses-deepltranslator dev-main
Provides a DeepL based translator for ArtClasses interpretations.
sitegeist/monocle-presentationobjects 1.0.0
An adapter to simplify and improve handling of PresentationObjects in Monocle
sitegeist/artclasses-azurecomputervisioninterpreter dev-main
Provides an Azure Computer Vision based interpreter for ArtClasses.
sitegeist/neos-symfonymailer-factories v1.0.1
sitegeist/artclasses-googlecloudvisioninterpreter dev-main
Provides a Google Cloud Vision based interpreter for ArtClasses.
sitegeist/stonetablet v1.0.2
Export function for neos fusion forms