Goal: €30,000
Stretch Goal: €50,000
[UPDATE: Please see this Blog Post for the current funding status]
So far, we have almost raised 20,000 € – if we can get another 10,000 € by end of August, the React UI will be shipped by default in Neos 3.3 LTS, scheduled in December. If we even manage to reach our stretch goal of 50,000 €, we'll have 20 more days for bugfixing and stabilization, leading to a much improved Neos UI.
You can support the Neos React UI funding by buying one of the badges below:
A Huge Thank You!
Thanks to all sponsors who have supported our efforts so far. After the funding period has ended, we'll highlight the sponsors some more on Neos.io!
Core Feature Sponsors (5000 €)
Premium Sponsors (2000 €)
We'd also like to thank our value sponsors vivomedia.de, Kaufmann Digital, webexcess, bit.loft, Sebastian Helzle, web&co and our individual sponsors contenance, werk4, Peter Rauber, Kathleen Peschke and Jonathan Uhlmann for supporting the project.
If you want to find more information, head over to the original blog post containing the details of the funding!