
Letzte Aktivität 20 May 2023 16 6 5935
composer require lelesys/news

News plugin for Neos


Release Date
Nov 08, 2022 09:03
GPL-3.0-or-later 34638767111bd0caee8b7636a4d4fc04293d7d52


Please find documentation at following link:


Even though it is for the first version, it still is valid.

NeosCMS 4.0 support

By default Neos site kickstarter does not anymore create page object like "page = Neos.Neos:Page" but it creates separate Page nodetype based on your site package key e.g. My.Site:Page.

To make the news package work you need to add following lines in your site's Root.fusion:

prototype(Lelesys.News:Folder) < prototype(My.Site:Page)
prototype(Lelesys.News:Category) < prototype(My.Site:Page)
prototype(Lelesys.News:News) < prototype(My.Site:Page)

In Fusion, if you have path of your main content object different than body.content.main then you can do following to override it:

prototype(Lelesys.News:News) {
    body.content.something = Lelesys.News:NewsRenderer

Using Elasticsearch

To speed up handling of news filtering and sorting, using Elasticsearch is recommended.

If you have the installed flowpack/elasticsearch-contentrepositoryadaptor (and its dependencies), news will be indexed correctly. If you already have created news before installing the Elasticsearch adaptor, run ./flow nodeindex:build to create the index.

The configure the plugin to use Elasticsearch to fetch the news add this to your TypoScript:

prototype(Lelesys.News:List) {
    newsCollection = Lelesys.News:ElasticsearchNewsCollector

prototype(Lelesys.News:Latest) {
    newsCollection.value.@process.slice = ${value.limit(String.toInteger(configuration.numberOfItems))}
    newsCollection.value.@process.toArray = ${value.toArray()}
    newsCollection.value.@process.toArray.@position = 'after execute'

The list view fetches a maximum of 1000 items (before pagination is applied!), this can be adjusted with:

newsCollection = Lelesys.News:ElasticsearchNewsCollector {
    value.@process.limit = ${value.limit(42)}

To enable logging of the queries sent to Elasticsearch (Data/Logs/ElasticSearch.log), you can do:

newsCollection = Lelesys.News:ElasticsearchNewsCollector {
    value.@process.log = ${value.log()}
    value.@process.log.@position = 'before execute'

Similarly you can adjust the query by adding further filters, the value in the collector is an instance of the ElasticSearchQueryBuilder:

newsCollection = Lelesys.News:ElasticsearchNewsCollector {
    # exclude "hidden in menu" entries from the List`s news collection
    value.@process.filterHiddenInIndex= ${value.queryFilter('term', {'_hiddenInIndex': true}, 'must_not')}
    value.@process.filterHiddenInIndex.@position = 'before execute'
The content of the readme is provided by Github
The same vendor provides 12 package(s).